Monday, October 31, 2016

BRMS celebrates Halloween with Autumn Assembly!

BRMS celebrates Halloween with Autumn Assembly!

On Friday, October 28th, 2016, the Big Rapids Middle School celebrated Halloween.  Students dressed up in a variety of fun, unique costumes.  In the afternoon, students participated in an assembly of games, from wrapping a teacher, to scooter races, to bopping a balloon into a basket!!  Teachers and students also had a chance to win the Halloween costume contest.  Our winners were Mr. Hooker and Brady Fox.  

Throughout the week, students participated in a coin war to have the opportunity to "slime a teacher."  Proceeds earned from the coin war are going to Angels of Action.  The Big Rapids Middle School students were able to raise $350.00 for the cause!  As a result, the students witnessed ten staff members get slimed!
Here are the results:
1. Mr. Cumings
2. Mrs. Morgan
3. Mrs. Weber
4. Mrs. Bowman
5. Mr. Armand
6. Mr. Aldrich
7. Mrs. Selzer
8. Mr. Bennett
9. Mr. Hooker
10. Mr. Brejcha

Friday, October 21, 2016

Big Rapids High School “Grace Adventures” Assembly!

Recently the Big Rapids High School brought in Grace Adventures to perform a two hour student workshop on Positive Peer Relationships for each class at the High School. “Positive Peer Relationships” at Grace Adventures will “equip and prepare teachers and students to develop the school as a place where people are respected, heard and known.” Their goal is to provide a learning experience, creating a culture where everyone has value, positive relationships are built and everyone is responsible. The purpose is to create a culture of value where each person is respected, heard, and known.

Students began the presentation in the gym with a presentation by Grace Adventures. Part of this presentation talked about building positive relationships and covering the learning targets:
  • Everyone has Value 
  • How to build positive relationships 
  • Each student must take responsibility to lead 
The presentation then transitioned into small group activities and games.

Grace Adventures is a year-round Christian non-profit Training Center in Silver Lake Michigan. Grace is located in the Silver Lake Sand Dunes area and sits on almost 400 acres. They work with both faith-based and non faith-based organizations.

Leadership and Character are in high demand today. Grace wants to help create a surplus of leadership. They have workshops for individuals or teams, businesses, organizations, and more in order to train and equip others in leadership and character.

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Friday, October 14, 2016

BRMS Art Students visit Local Art Exhibit

Mrs. Eichelberger’s Art classes from BRMS attended a local art exhibit called “What’s in the Truck” at Artworks. The theme of this art exhibit was Industrial Arts. It was a wonderful opportunity to see the connection of art to real world applications.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Big Rapids High School Quiz Bowl Team competes in ​WCMU's ​Quiz Central

The Big Rapids High School Quiz Bowl team competed in Quiz Central at Central Michigan University last week as part of ​WCMU TV's annual competition.

In this competition, top students face off in an ​educational and entertaining academic quiz show.
​As part of the program, students have the opportunity to earn academic scholarships and textbooks are awarded by CMU and the CMU Bookstore.

​The match between BRHS and Ovid ​​Elsie high School will air Wednesday, October 26 at 7:30 p.m. on WCMU TV.

Pictured (front row, left to right) are Varsity A Team Members Ryan Draves, Ethan Westerkamp, Arya Rao, and Ryan Cosper; and (second row)  team alternates Susanna Kailing, Luke Somsel and Coach Sue McCullen.

Friday, October 7, 2016

BRMS holds 2nd Annual Color Run!

On October 6th, 2016, the Big Rapids Middle School held the 2nd annual Color Run. Due to the weather, the event was held indoors. Staff and volunteers used markers,instead of powdered chalk, and wrote/marked on students as they ran by each station throughout the hallways of the middle school! At the end of the event,participants gathered in Cardinal Hall for a "Color Burst!" Despite the changes, everyone still had a great time! Thank you to all of the volunteers and staff for your help! A big thank you goes out to Yoplait for making this happen!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Big Rapids High School Key Club is participating again this year in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.

This year Key Club Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF funds will support The Eliminate Project, which will provide resources and advocacy to support elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus with UNICEF and partners.

Students from BRHS Keyclub: (from back left) Allyssa Douglass, Julia Jackson, Tucker Hathaway, Rockford Dorman, Allison Scsavinicki, Lideta Slomp, Ashley Rose Waters, Dakota Thomas, Emma Devries, and Rene Ding.

Maternal and neonatal tetanus is a terrible tragedy. In countries where people lack healthcare education and services, a baby can be infected with tetanus during birth and can die within days. That short lifetime is agonizing—a heartbreaking struggle to breathe and to cope and marked by convulsions triggered by the slightest sound or contact. But this disease is easily preventable.

The Eliminate Project

The Eliminate Project will support elimination of this swift, painful and highly preventable disease.
More than 100 million women of childbearing age need to be vaccinated to protect them and their future newborns. An average of $1.80 will provide 3 doses of vaccine, syringes, safe transport and storage, education of communities, training of health workers and more.

This global campaign will protect the lives of millions of mothers and their future newborns.

Additional Information

By collecting donations for UNICEF through the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program over the years, Key Club has raised more than $6 million to support:

· Iodine deficiency programs worldwide

· HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland

· Teen centers in Uruguay providing adolescents with job skills, education, family counseling and
   other social services.

For additinal information, visit the Key Club International website: