Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Miss Dieck's Biology Class Builds Giant Cells

Miss Dieck’s Biology A class just finished up their unit on Cells.  Because cells are not visible to the human eye, it is really hard to imagine what the cell actually looks like.  

To remedy this problem, the students were placed into teams to create giant scale-model cell organelles to ultimately make a giant, 3-meter plant cell in class.  Each team had to begin with researching their organelle, using the school’s Google Chromebooks to create a research document and collect information on their organelle’s structure and function. 

After each teammate understood the function of their organelle and its actual size, they use proportions to calculate a scale-model size to make it easy to see by the naked eye.  They drew up plans for their cell and were given various materials to make 2-D models of their organelle.  

The teams presented their organelles in the Rotunda of the high school by placing them in their giant cell wall and membrane.  The whole project was a huge success and really captured the students’ creativity and knowledge on cells.  Students were excited to place their organelles and describe what each part of it was and what it did.  The giant cell now resides on the wall in Miss Dieck’s classroom, posted for all the students to see and admire.